The research and projects department of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, focuses on the development of research and transfer programs and activities aimed at promoting democratic rights and values, peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, valuing wealth. diversity, the processes of inclusion and social integration or the defense of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups. The gender dimension is incorporated as a transversal aspect in all our activities.

Associations and collaborative work with different institutions and organizations, both public and private, and multidisciplinary approaches are a substantial part of our work that focus on two main lines of research:

1.- Research in Societies, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity and Migrations. This area focuses on the study of three basic aspects of increasingly globalized societies in which various inequalities and frictions are manifested:

  • Respect and protection of human rights.
  • The necessary attention to cultural diversity and the challenges it poses for promotion.
  • The different manifestations of the migratory phenomenon.

2.- Research on Radicalization, Prevention and Security. This area focuses on the study and understanding of violent radicalization processes and their various manifestations and implications, and de-radicalization processes:

  • Preventing and fighting violent radicalization.
  • Risk and vulnerability analysis in security matters.
  • Possible relationships between terrorism and organized crime.
  • Analysis of the processes of disengagement and de-radicalization.


Conferencia final en Atenas del proyecto europeo MEDEA

Concluye en Atenas el proyecto europeo MEDEA. Desde 2018 el consorcio de este proyecto, financiado por el programa europeo Horizonte 2020, ha venido trabajando en la creación de una red de profesionales para la seguridad de la región del Mediterráneo y el Mar Negro

Seminario internacional: «Can Europe be a laboratory for a new planetary politics»

Bajo el título ¿Puede Europa ser un laboratorio para una nueva política planetaria? la Fundación Euroárabe acoge hoy y mañana, a expertos de diferentes universidades y centros de investigación en el seminario internacional organizado por el Berggruen Institute de California, el Instituto de la Paz y los Conflictos de la Universidad de Granada y la Fundación Euroárabe.

Think Tank Forum del Centre for European Policy Studies

Hoy se celebra en Granada, en la Fundación Euroárabe, el encuentro de think tanks organizado por el Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) de Bruselas, en cooperación con CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), la Fundación Euroárabe y Open Society Foundations, foro previo a la cumbre de la Comunidad Política Europea que tendrá lugar en Granada el 5 de octubre.